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Rain Water Harvesting

& Conservation

Product Ditails - Pg 1
Product Ditails - Pg 2

Shortage of water for industrial and domestic use and even for drinking purpose is cause of concern throughout the world specially in developing and under developed countries. India is already experiencing water shortage and the problem will become very acute in the near future unless preventive measures are taken on a substantial scale. At this juncture, measures are to be taken up by various Governmental and non-Governmental organizations as well as the public at large, so as to harvest the rainfall and maintain groundwater balance. Such measures will help to have reliable and sustainable groundwater resource for supplementing the domestic and industrial water supply needs of urban and rural area. The government of India is also laying emphasis for rain water harvesting and conversion.

Rain Water Harvesting and conversation, is the activity of direct collection of Rain Water. The conversion of rain water so collected can be stored for direct use or can be re-charged in to the ground water. The main goal is to minimize flow of rain water through Drains/ Nallahas to river without making any use of the same. It is known fact that the ground level of water is depleting and going down and down in the last decade. Thus rain water harvesting & conversation aims at optimum utilization of natural resources, that is, Rain water which is first form of water that we know is hydrological cycle and hence is a primary source of water for us. Therefore, Rain water Harvesting & Conservation means to understand the value of rain and to make optimum use of rain water at the place where it falls.

Rain water Harvesting system include following :
1. Proper assessment of groundwater potentials

i.e. Groundwater prospecting, study of bore wells, wells etc.
2. Rainwater harvesting
a. Roof top rainwater harvesting.
b. Surface runoff Rainwater harvesting.
3. Watershed Management.

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