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Domestic Rain Water harvesting or roof top Rain Water harvesting is the technique through which Rain Water is captured from roof catchments and stored in tanks/reservoirs/Ground Water aquifers. It consists of conservation of roof top Rain water in urban areas and utilizing it to augment Ground Water storage by artificial recharge. It requires connecting the Prince half round uPVC rainwater pipe and fittings to Prince outlet pipe from roof top to divert collected water to existing storage tank, well/tubewell/bore well or a specially designed well.

Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting & Conserving Systems, both small and large are comprised of six basic components as described below :
(j) Catchment Area/Roof: Surface upon which rain fails.
(jj) Gutters and Down pipes: Prince Half round rain water system for efficient collection of water from sloping roof buildings.


Prince pipe and fittings is used for transportation of water from RCC roofs of individual houses, common houses, multi-storied complexes etc.
iii) Leaf Screens and Roof Washers: Systems that remove contamination and debris.
iv) Filter Unit : To clean rain water, that can be used for re-utilization or recharging of borewell.
iv) Storage/Recharge : Filtered rain water can be collected and stored in
a. Cisterns or Storage Tanks
b. Underground pump for re-utilization purpose.
c. Recharging the borewell by connecting the filtered water directly to the casing pipe if roof area is less than 100 sq. Meter.
d. Recharging of bore well if roof area is more than 100sq.meters.
e. Recharging of open well.
(v) Conveyance System: Prince Pipe and fittings to transport filtered rain water from catchment channel surface to storage, either by gravity or pump. Prince pipe and fittings are also used for conveyance of stored water for reuse.
(vi) Water Treatment : filters and equipment and additives to settle biter and disinfect.

2. Artificial Recharge :
Artificial recharge to ground water is a process by which the ground water reservoir is augmented at a rate exceeding that obtaining under natural conditions or replenishment. Any man-made scheme or facility that adds water to an aquifer may be considered to be an artificial recharge system. The methods suggested are water spreading, recharge through pits, trenches, Tube Wells, shafts and directly diverting runoff water into the existing wells. The choice and effectiveness of any particular method is governed by local hydro geological and soil conditions and ultimate water use.
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