Products » Range of Products » Prince Rainwater Systems |
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Methods of artificial recharging : |
Method A - Utilisation of dried up wells : Dried up wells can be utilised as recharge wells by connecting them to the water outlet pipes from the roof tops or surface runoff rain water harvesting water. In this system recharge water is guided through Prince Pipe to the bottom of well or below the water level to avoid scouring of bottom and entrapment of air bubbles in the aquifer. Recharge water should be silt free as for as possible & Open/Dug well should be cleaned annually preferably. |
Method B - Abandoned /Running Hand Pump : The existing hand pumps may be used for recharging the shallow/deep aquifers. In this method, water is diverted from rooftop to hand pump through Prince pipe to abandoned/running hand pump. This system is suitable for small building having the roof area up to 150 Sqm. The runoff of 1st rain should not be allowed to go percolate to the rain water harvesting structure. |
Method C - Decentralizes percolation through water spreading and longitudinal trenches :
In this method, applicable to houses having larger open areas, the runoff water from the roof top can be diverted into the bare soil or garden in the premises of the households. The top soil may be loosened before monsoon, for better recharge. Apart from this, a longitudinal trench of 1.0 to 1.5 m. depth with a width of 0.5 to 1.0 m., may be dug and filled with well rounded pebbles, gravel and sand in order to store excess runoff water during rainy days that will eventually percolate. |
Method D - Percolation well cum bore pits : Pits are dug deeper and away from the building foundations, where the soil is more pervious. The pits may be back filled with permeable material like pebbles, gravel and sand for better percolation. The top sand layer need to be cleaned and re-laid once in two years to remove the settled silts for restoring the percolation. Commonly, pits with 1.0 m. dia. and 2 to 3 m. depth are recommended. The combination of water spreading and pit recharge is better for more groundwater recharge. |
Method E - Recharge through shafts :For recharging the shallow aquifer which are located below clayey surface, recharge shafts of 0.5 to 3m. diameter and 10 to 15 m. deep are constructed and back filled with boulders, gravels & coarse sand. |
Method F - Recharge Bore wells through injection wells : Recharging through injection wells involves direct discharge of rain water through a settling sump to the underground water bed. |
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Prince Agri Systems | Prince Tube Well | Prince PPR Systems | Prince Rainwater Systems | Prince Swept | Prince CPVC
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